The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm
The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm helps solve the Discrete Log Problem for Finite Fields whose order can be factored into prime powers of smaller primes. The algorithm reduces the computation of the discrete log in the Finite Field $G$ to the computation of the discrete log in prime power order subgroups of $G$
For e.g. Order of $\mathbb F(p)=p-1=p_1^{n_1}.p_2^{n_2}.p_3^{n_3}…$
The PH algorithm allows you to solve the DLP in the smaller subgroups of order $p_1^{n_1}, p_2^{n_2}, p_3^{n_3}$ etc and then combine the solutions using the Chinese Remainder Theorem to get the solution for the original DLP.
The Algorithm
Let $g$ be a generator in $\mathbb F(p)$
$y \equiv g^x \bmod p$
$y, p$ & $g$ are known. The discrete log problem here is to find $x$
Reduce the DLP in the field into the DLPs in the prime power order subgroups
The multiplicative operation of $\mathbb F(p)$ excludes the $0$ element & hence it’s order is one less than the order of the field. So the order is $p-1$. Any composite number can be expressed as the product of prime powers.
Order = $p-1=p_1^{n_1}.p_2^{n_2}.p_3^{n_3}…$
Since each of the prime powers ${p_i}^{n_i}$ divides the order of the group, by the Fundamental Theorem of Cyclic Groups, there will be a cyclic subgroup for each of the prime powers of order ${p_i}^{n_i}$ with the generator for the subgroup being $g^{\frac {p-1} {p_i^{n_i}}}$
Let’s take the DLP & raise both sides by $\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}$. For the sake of simplicity, let $r_i = \frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}$
$y^{r_i} \equiv ({g^x})^{r_i} \bmod p$
$y^{r_i} \equiv {(g^{r_i})}^x \bmod p$
$r_i = \frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}$, so $g^{r_i}$ is the generator for the subgroup of order $p_i^{n_i}$.
Let this generator be called $g_i = g^{r_i}$. Also let $y_i = y^{r_i}$.
$y_i = {g_i}^x \bmod p$.
Now since the order of $g_i$ is ${p_i}^{n_i}$, in the above equation, $x$ cannot have any value higher than ${p_i}^{n_i}$. We can write this is as
$x_i = x \bmod {p_i}^{n_i}$
So, the DLP in the subgroup of order ${p_i}^{n_i}$ is
$y_i \equiv {g_i}^{x_i} \bmod p$.
We simplified the equation after raising using the new variables $y_i$, $g_i$ & $x_i$ to show that now it’s a DLP problem in the subgroup. While solving however, we will use continue to use $y$ & $g$ along with the new variable $x_i$
i.e. $y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}} = ({g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}}})^{x_i} \bmod p$
Expansion of $x_i$’s
As we saw, $x_i$ is the solution for the subgroup of order ${p_i}^{n_i}$
$x_i = x \bmod {p_i}^{n_i}$
We expand $x_i$ as a base $p_i$ number.
Note: For e.g. if $p_i=2$, then we have to expand $x_i$ in base 2 (i.e. do a binary expansion). If $x_i = 13$, then in binary (base 2), we can write it as the bitstring $1101$.
So the binary expansion of $x=13$ will be
$x_i=13=1101=1 . 2^0 + 0. 2^1 + 1.2^2 + 1.2^3$
Since $x_i$ is $\bmod 2^{n_i}$, then the max value of $x_i$ can only be $2^{n_i} -1$. The number $2^{n_i}$ in binary representation needs $n_i+1$ bits. So the number $2^{n_i}-1$ will need $n_i$ bits. Hence when we expand $x_i$ in base 2, we will have $n_i$ co-efficients $\in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace$
For any base other than 2, we do it similarly
$x_i=\sum_{j=0}^{n_i-1} a_j{p_i}^j$ where $a_j \in \lbrace 0,1, …,{p_i}-1\rbrace$
$x_i=a_0+ a_1p_i + a_2{p_i}^2 +…+ a_{n_i-1}{p_i}^{n_i-1}$ where $a_j \in \lbrace 0,1,…,{p_i}-1\rbrace$
Solving the DLP in the subgroup
Let’s first solve it for the subgroup of order ${\frac {p-1}{p_1^{n_1}}}$
i.e. $y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}} = ({g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}}})^{x_i} \bmod p$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}{x_i}} \bmod p$
Raise both sides by $p_i^{n_i - 1}$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}{x_i}} \bmod p$
Substitute $x_i = {a_0+a_1{p_i}+a_2{p_i}^2+ … + a_{n_i-1}{p_i}^{n_i-1} }$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}(a_0+a_1{p_i}+a_2{p_i}^2… + a_{n_i-1}{p_i}^{n_i-1})} \bmod p$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}} = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_0}{p_i}}. g^{(p-1)a_1}. g^{(p-1){a_2}{p_i}}…g^{(p-1){a_{n_i-1}}{p_i}^{n_i-2}} \bmod p $
Other than the first term, all the remaining terms are of the form $g^{k(p-1).p^j}$. By Fermat’s Little Theorem, all these terms evaluate to 1 & can be removed from the expression.
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}} = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_0}{p_i}} \bmod p $
In the above equation, the only unknown is $a_0$ and $a_0 \in \lbrace 0,1,…,p-1 \rbrace$. It can be solved to get $a_0$ (using the BabyStep-GiantStep, Pollard’s rho etc)
Now, that $a_0$ is known, let’s start again to find other $a_i$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^{n_1}}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^{n_1}}{x_1}} \bmod p$
Raise both sides by $p_1^{n_1 - 2}$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^{2}}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^{2}}{x_1}} \bmod p$
Substitute $x_1 = {a_0+a_1{p_1}+a_2{p_1}^2+ … + a_{n_1-1}{p_1}^{n_1-1} }$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}(a_0+a_1{p_1}+a_2{p_1}^2… + a_{n_i-1}{p_1}^{n_1-1})} \bmod p$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}} = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_0}{p_1^2}}. g^{\frac {(p-1)a_1}{p_1}}. g^{(p-1){a_2}}…g^{(p-1){a_{n_1-1}}{p_i}^{n_1-3}} \bmod p $
Let $m = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_0}{p_1^2}}$ ($a_0$ is now a known value).
So $m = (g^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}})^{a_0}$.
Since $p_1^2$ is a factor of the order of the group, $g^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}}$ is a generator of a subgroup. Hence $m$ is an element of the field & has an inverse $m^{-1}$ in the field.
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_1^2}}.m^{-1} = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_1}{p_i}}. g^{(p-1){a_2}}…g^{(p-1){a_{n_1-1}}{p_i}^{n_1-3}} \bmod p $
Other than the first term on the Right Hand Side, all the remaining terms are of the form $g^{k(p-1).p^j}$. By Fermat’s Little Theorem, all these terms evaluate to 1 & can be removed from the expression.
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^2}}.m^{-1} = g^{\frac {(p-1)a_1}{p_i}} \bmod p $
In the above equation, the only unknown is $a_1$ and $a_1 \in \lbrace 0,1,…,p-1 \rbrace$. Like before, it can be solved to get $a_1$
We can keep repeating these steps to get all values from $a_2$ to $a_{n-1}$, there by finding $x_i$.
So now we know $x_1$.
$x = x_1 \bmod p_1^{n_1}$
Repeat the procedure for subgroups of order $p_2^{n_2}$,$p_3^{n_3}$ etc.
We will then have all the $x_i$s
$x \equiv x_1 \bmod {p_1}^{n_1}$
$x \equiv x_2 \bmod {p_2}^{n_2}$
The Chinese remainder theorem can be used to combine the above to find $x$ for $\bmod p$
So we have solved the DLP for the group by solving the DLP for smaller subgroups & combining them.
We did an initial step of raising the original DLP by $\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}$ to change $x$ to $x_i$
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}} = ({g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i^{n_i}}}})^{x_i} \bmod p$
And then for $i=1$, we raised it to $p_i^{n_i - 1}$ which got us
$y^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}} = g^{\frac {p-1}{p_i}{x_i}} \bmod p$
We can combine the above 2 steps into directly raising the original DLP to $\frac {p-1}{p_i}$ & changing $x$ to $x_i$ for finding $a_0$.
So let’s summarise the steps in the Algorithm
1) Raise the original DLP to $\frac {p-1}{p_i}$ & changing $x$ to $x_i$
2) Remove all $a_i$ terms other than $a_0$ using Fermat’s Little Theorem
3) Find $a_0$
4) And then for finding $a_1$, we raise the original DLP to $\frac {p-1}{p_i^2}$
5) Remove all $a_i$ terms after $a_1$ using Fermat’s Little Theorem
6) Find $a_1$
7) Continue steps 4 to 6 to find all $a_i$ (You would need to raise the DLP to $\frac {p-1}{p_i^3}$, $\frac {p-1}{p_i^4} etc$)
8) You now have found the first $x = x_i \bmod p$
9) Find similar ${x_i}$’s for other prime power subgroups
10) Combine all the ${x_i}$’s with CRT to find $x$ & solve the DLP.
A numerical example
The Discrete Log Problem:
$7531 \equiv 6^x \bmod 8101$
Find $x$
$7531 \equiv 6^x \bmod 8101$
Order = $8101 - 1 = 8100 = 2^2.3^4.5^2$.
Let’s first start with the 2nd prime power subgroup which is of order $3^4$ (you can start with any subgroup).
For this subgroup, $p_i = 3$ & $n_i = 4$
Raise the original DLP to $\frac {p-1}{p_i}$ i.e. $\frac{8100}{3}$ = 2700. And also replace $x$ by $x_2$
$7531^{2700} \equiv 6^{x_2} \bmod 8101$
Expanding $x_2$ in base 3, we get
$x_2=a_0+3a_1+9a_2+27a_3$ where $a_i \in \lbrace 0,1,2\rbrace$
After substituting this, we can cancel out the terms involving everything except $a_0$ using Fermat’s Little Theorem.
$7531^{2700} \equiv 6^{2700a_0} \bmod 8101$
$LHS = 7531^{2700} = pow(7531, 2700, 8101) = 2217$
$2217 \equiv 6^{2700a_0} \bmod 8101$
Since the only variable here is $a_0$ & $a_0 \in \lbrace 0, 1, 3 \rbrace$, we can solve & get
Now, $x_2=2+3a_1+9a_2+27a_3$
$7531\equiv 6^{2+3a_1+9a_2+27a_3} \bmod 8101$
$7531 \equiv 6^2 . 6^{3a_1+9a_2+27a_3} \bmod 8101$
$7531 . 6^{-2} \equiv 6^{3a_1+9a_2+27a_3} \bmod 8101$
Using sage,
$pow(6, -2, 8101) = 7876$ and $mod(7876*7531,8101) = 6735$
So, $6735= \equiv 6^{3a_1+9a_2+27a_3} \bmod 8101$
We raise both sides to $\frac {p-1}{p_i^2}$ i.e. $\frac {8100}{9} = 900$ & also cancel out all $a_i$ terms other than $a_1$ using Fermat’s little theorem.
$6735^{900} \equiv 6^{2700a_1} \bmod 8101$
$LHS = pow(6735, 900, 8101) = 1$
$1 \equiv 6^{2700a_1} \bmod 8101$
Now, $x_2=2+9a_2+27a_3$
Raising to $\frac {8100}{3^3}$ i.e. $300$, we can solve similarly to get
$a_2 =2$
Raising by $\frac {8100}{3^4}$ i.e. $100$, we can solve similarly to get
$a_3 = 1$
This gives us $x_2 = 47$. So
$x \equiv 47 \bmod 81$ [Solution for the DLP in $3^4$]
Next, we solve in the subgroup of order $2^2$ to get
$x\equiv 1 \bmod 4$
and subgroup of order $5^2$ to get
$x\equiv 14 \bmod 25$
So we have a solution for each of the 3 subgroups we are interested in
$x \equiv 1 \bmod 4$
$x \equiv 47 \bmod 81$
$x \equiv 14 \bmod 25$
Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can combine it to get
$CRT\text_list([1, 47, 14],[4,81,25]) = 6689$
So, $x \equiv 6689 \bmod 8100$
We can write the above congruence also as
$x = 8100k + 6689$
Substituting the above in the original DLP, we get
$7531 \equiv 6^{8100k+6689} \bmod 8101$
$7531 \equiv 6^{8100k} . 6^{6689} \bmod 8101$
By Fermat’s Little Theorem, $6^{8100k} \bmod 8101$ is 1
$7531 \equiv 6^{6689} \bmod 8101$
So $x=6689$ is the solution for the DLP
Pohlig-Hellman for Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Pohlig-Hellman is also similarly applicable for the Discrete Log Problem in ECC.
The differences are mainly
Groups are additive groups & not multiplicative groups.
We used Fermat’s Little Theorem for solving multiplicative Group DLP. Fermat’s Little Theorem is a special case of Lagrange’s Theorem. Lagrange’s Theorem implies (among other things) that for an additive Group $G$, if $m$ is the order of the group, then for every $g \in G$, $m*g=0$
Numerical example for ECDLP
$E:y^2=x^3+1001x+75 \bmod 7919$
Order of the Curve = $m=7889$
Find $x$
7889 can be factored as
$7889=7^3 . 23$
Solving in subgroup $7^3$
Multiply both sides of the DLP by $\frac {m}{7}$, replace $x$ with $x_1$
$\frac {m}{7}Q=x_1 \frac{m}{7}P$
Expand $x_1$ in base 3
Substitute this in the equation & also remove all terms after $a_0$ by using Lagrange’s Theorem
$1127Q=(1127a_0)P$ where $a_0 \in \lbrace 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 \rbrace$
Only one variable here $a_0$. Can be solved to get
Multiply both sides by $\frac{m}{7^2}$
Again, by Lagrange’s Theorem we can remove the $7^2$ term.
We solve this to get $a_1=3$
Multiply both sides by $\frac{m}{7^3}$
$\frac {m}{7^3}(Q-22P)=7^2a_2 \frac {m}{7^3}P$
Solving, we get
So $x_1=1+7 . 3+49 . 4=218$
$x\equiv 218 \bmod 7^3$
Likewise, solving in subgroup $23$
$x \equiv 10 \bmod 23$
So we have solutions for the 2 subgroups
$x \equiv 218 \bmod 7^3$
$x \equiv 10 \bmod 23$
Using Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can combine this to get
$x \equiv 4334 \bmod 7889$
So the ECDLP is solved